Le traitement des flux de paiement pour les banques et les entreprises
Le traitement des flux de paiement pour les banques et les entreprises

Offers for banks

For banks, SEPA_TGEN for bank (Test File GENerator) is an application that helps testing teams in this new XML environment (channel, payment engines, CSM interfaces, reporting) and when possible can directly cover some accounting test needs without any payment engine.

It can, for the C2B or interbank relation:

  • describe test files through an interface based on the EPC implementation guides using predefined data set and objects, this definition can also be done from existing test files or customer real files
  • define events at any level of the XML for generating R-messages or accounting events
  • generate test files on demand, with always the same functional content
  • gather as many test cases as needed into test campaign (defining a non regression test perimeter) and generate hundred of test files within seconds
  • match any intermediary or final flow with the original data to check the exhaustivity of the flow and the corectness of the data
  • generate any inward or outward R-messages.

It has been designed to define and create test files within some seconds. It also includes a conversion capacity that generates flat file output from the ISO20022 definition.

It covers technical, functional and performance test needs.


SEPA_XGEN is an extension of the SEPA_NDAT product and converts any flat files into an XML file (pain or pacs).

  • contact us for more information on this product.

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Email : contact@alaxy.fr
Tel. : +33 6 43 28 18 79


Pour les associations et les PME, SEPA_NDAT permet de générer très simplement des ordres de virement, des demandes de prélèvement ou des demandes de règlement SEPAmail à partir de fichiers Excel, de fichiers csv ou par saisie de type portail bancaire.


SEPA_NDAT now allows associations and SME to generate SEPA credit or debit orders easily from Excel or csv files or via keying.

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