Le traitement des flux de paiement pour les banques et les entreprises
Le traitement des flux de paiement pour les banques et les entreprises

SEPA_NDAT: payment flow convertor

SEPA_NDAT is an answer to the End Date requirements, minimizing the impacts for the enterprise. It converts any flat file formats (or Excel files) used to send or describe payment orders into the new XML ISO20022 formats, which will be the only one accepted by the banks in most Euro countries after February 1st 2014. Quickly operational, cheap and entirely user configurable, it allows the entreprise to access to the new SEPA world and its advantages with minimum effort.

  • Direct access to the description of SEPA_NDAT

SEPA_TGEN: Test facilitator and payment flow generator

SEPA_TGEN for corporateis a set of tools designed to simplify and speed up testing phases of the new XML payment platforms covering technical, functional and performance test needs. It describes test file content (XML or flat file formats) and generates them when needed using the same initial specifications without editing their content. It supports all the pain formats, including the pain.002 (PSR) and soon camt.054 and camt.053 formats.

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Pour les associations et les PME, SEPA_NDAT permet de générer très simplement des ordres de virement, des demandes de prélèvement ou des demandes de règlement SEPAmail à partir de fichiers Excel, de fichiers csv ou par saisie de type portail bancaire.


SEPA_NDAT now allows associations and SME to generate SEPA credit or debit orders easily from Excel or csv files or via keying.

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