Le traitement des flux de paiement pour les banques et les entreprises
Le traitement des flux de paiement pour les banques et les entreprises

Offer details

Three main products are currently available:

  • SEPA_NDAT is an application for companies that helps them convert the current payment flows into ISO20022 XML formats.
  • SEPA_TGEN for corporate is an application for companies that help them qualify their new XML applications, having the capacity to simulate the bank to client interface.
  • SEPA_TGEN for bank is an application for banks covering testing needs for XML environments (client to bank relation and interbank relation).

SEPA_XGEN is a fourth product also available but not described here, it is an extension of the SEPA_NDAT product that can generate pacs files from flat files.


Select the product in the left menu and access to a detailled description.

Future steps

Currently in development:

  • Swift messages generation in the SEPA_TGEN application
  • New testing application for non payment flows (Rubis messages - SEPAMail).


Do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in seeing a specific aspect be developped. Your feedback will help us to define our priorities and roadmaps.

Nous joindre / How to contact us

Fiche contact

/ Contact form
Email : contact@alaxy.fr
Tel. : +33 6 43 28 18 79


Pour les associations et les PME, SEPA_NDAT permet de générer très simplement des ordres de virement, des demandes de prélèvement ou des demandes de règlement SEPAmail à partir de fichiers Excel, de fichiers csv ou par saisie de type portail bancaire.


SEPA_NDAT now allows associations and SME to generate SEPA credit or debit orders easily from Excel or csv files or via keying.

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